Nekom se tipu ruksak zapleo na skijaškoj žičari, a on je ostao visjeti. A onda je stigla pomoć

Čovjek koji mu je pomogao kaže da je bilo jako strašno

FOTO: screenshot

Mickey Wilson u srijedu ujutro je bio na žičari na Arapahoe Saveu u Coloradu. U stolici pred njim je bio drugi čovjek, za kojeg WIlson kaže da je prijatelj njegova prijatelja. U trenutku kada je taj čovjek pokušao sići sa žičare, zapleo se i ostao visjeti iznad zemlje, izvijestili su lokalni mediji, piše Washington Post.

“On ne samo da se zapleo, doslovno je visio s ruksakom okačenim oko vrata”, rekao je Wilson novinarima. Prema Wilsonovim riječima, čovjek je visio na metar od žičare, a oko 3 metra iznad sniježnog tla. “Iskreno, to je bila jedna od najstrašnijih stvari koje sam ikada vidio”, tvrdi Wilson. Kaže da je čovjek bio u nesvijesti.

‘Danas sam spasio nečiji život’

Wilson i ostali koji su se našli na mjestu događaja prvo su pokušali formirati ljudsku piramidu, no nisu uspjeli. WIlson se onda sjetio da bi se mogao popeti na uže koje drži žičaru i doći točno iznad čovjeka koji je visio. Na kraju je to i napravio. Kao što se vidi na objavljenom videu, Wilson se onda spustio i na kraju odrezao remen ruksaka .”Naš prijatelj je pao poput lutke u snijegu”, napisao je Wilson na svom Instagramu gdje je detaljno objasnio detalje cijelog slučaja.

Ekipa za medicinsku pomoć odmah je pregledala unesrećenog, a onda je odveden i u bolnicu. Žičara je za javnost ponovno otvorena u četvrtak.”Danas sam spasio nečiji život”, Wilson je napisao na svom Instagramu. “Mislim da su neke čudne sile bile na djelu.”

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Today I saved someone's life. I think some strange forces were at work. I planned to ski by myself today. As fate had it though, some good friends ended up recognizing me despite my ski gear, and we joined forces for an epic pow day. Again, fate intervened. One of our crew got his backpack strap stuck in the chairlift as he tried to unload and the lift dragged him back down the hill. We were on the chair lift behind so we unloaded and ran down the hill to help him when we realized the worst possible thing had happened. The backpack had wrapped around his neck and he was unconscious, dangling 10 feet above the snow. Panic set in and we struggled in vain for about a minute to build a human pyramid to get to him but the powder was too deep and we toppled over. I yelled at the lift operator asking if the lift ran in reverse and he cried no. Ski patrol was on their way but not there yet. Panic was becoming terror as we realized we were about to watch our friend die in front of our helpless eyes. Then I had a eureka moment. I realized I could climb the lift tower above the chair and climb onto the cable and shimmy down to him. I knew my slackline experience prepared me perfectly for this so I burst into action. I climbed the tower and slid down to the the chair. It was second nature, just like being on a slackline only way colder and made of steel. I climbed down the chair and I first tried to break the strap by kicking it but I couldn't. A newly arrived ski patrolman threw me a knife and I luckily caught it on the first try and cut the strap. Our friend fell like a doll into the snow. 8 or so ski patrolman then began CPR. Thankfully they were able to restore his breathing, ski him down to the base, and get him into an ambulance which rushed him to the hospital in Denver. I'd like to take this moment now to thank the #slacklife for the skills it has given me. It was incredibly fortunate I was there and able to act quickly. I'd also like to thank ski patrol for their strong work reviving our friend. I just got an update from the hospital and he's doing quite well and will be released tomorrow! #thankful #lovelife #rightplacerighttime

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