Broj mrtvih u Haitiju popeo se na 800. Ove slike pokazuju sav užas uragana koji je pogodio tu zemlju

Tek će se za nekoliko dana vidjeti prave posljedice Matthewa


UN upozorava da bi se tek kroz nekoliko dana mogle vidjeti prave posljedice uragana Matthew u Haitiju, gdje se u međuvremenu broj mrtvih popeo na više od 800. Očekuje se da će taj broj samo rasti, dok spasilačke ekipe pokušavaju doći do južnih područja koja su potpuno odsječena zbog oluje, piše BBC.

Do gradova koji su najteže pogođeni može se doći isključivo nebom ili morem. Većina smrtnih slučajeva dogodila se na jugozapadnoj obali koja je najteže pogođena. Konačan broj žrtava znat će se tek kada se spasilačke službe uspiju probiti do zabačenih područja, kojima je trenutno nemoguće pristupiti zbog poplava.

Jedan grad gotovo potpuno sravnjen sa zemljom

Barem jedan veliki grad na jugu zemlje – Jeremie – smatra se gotovo potpuno uništenim, vijesti s terena govore da ga je nestalo 80 posto. Slike iz zraka pokazuju da je na stotine kuća sravnjeno sa zemljom.

Matthew, koji se u međuvremenu s četvrte spustio na treću kategoriju te postiže brzinu od 193 km na sat, trenutno hara obalom Floride, no još nije sigurno gdje će mu biti uporište.

Aerial view taken by the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) over the town of Jeremie, Haiti on Thursday October 6, 2016. The city lies on the western tip of Haiti and suffered the full force of the category 4 storm, leaving tens of thousands stranded. Hurricane Matthew passed over Haiti on Tuesday October 4, 2016, with heavy rains and winds. While the capital Port au Prince was mostly spared from the full strength of the class 4 hurricane, the western cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie received the full force sustaining wind and water damage across wide areas. / AFP PHOTO / UN/MINUSTAH / Logan Abassi / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO /LOGAN ABASSI / MINUSTAH " - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Jeremie, Haiti AFP
Picture taken by the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) in the town of Jeremie, Haiti on Thursday October 6, 2016. The city lies on the western tip of Haiti and suffered the full force of the category 4 storm, leaving tens of thousands stranded. Hurricane Matthew passed over Haiti on Tuesday October 4, 2016, with heavy rains and winds. While the capital Port au Prince was mostly spared from the full strength of the class 4 hurricane, the western cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie received the full force sustaining wind and water damage across wide areas. / AFP PHOTO / UN/MINUSTAH / Logan Abassi / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO /LOGAN ABASSI / MINUSTAH " - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Jeremie, Haiti AFP
Haiti AFP
A man carries a woman across a river at Petit Goave where a bridge collapsed during the rains of the Hurricane Matthew, southwest of Port-au-Prince, October 5, 2016. Haiti and the eastern tip of Cuba -- blasted by Matthew on October 4, 2016 -- began the messy and probably grim task of assessing the storm's toll. Matthew hit them as a Category Four hurricane but has since been downgraded to three, on a scale of five, by the US National Hurricane Center. / AFP PHOTO / HECTOR RETAMAL
Haiti AFP
Haiti AFP
Haiti AFP
Haiti AFP
Haiti AFP
Haiti AFP