Čovjek koji je u gradiću kod Los Angelesa pobio 10 ljudi počinio samoubojstvo

Motiv još nije poznat

LAPD police cars block the corner of Fairfax Avenue and Sunset Boulevard where a body covered in a white sheet lies under a tent in Los Angeles on April 24, 2021 in what appears to be an officer-involved shooting. - On the evening of the shooting the LAPD official twitter account read: There has been an Officer-Involved Shooting on Sunset Blvd. near Fairfax in Hollywood Division. Around 2:35 p.m. officers were heading to a radio call with their lights and sirens on when a car pulled in front of them, stopped suddenly and reversed into the police car. The driver of the car exited, was wearing body armor, and had his right hand concealed behind him. He moved toward the officers who had exited their patrol car. He counted "3, 2, 1" and began to move his arm to the front of his body, at which time there was an officer involved shooting. The man was struck by gunfire and pronounced deceased at scene. Force Investigation Division detectives are on scene conducting interviews and gathering evidence.The man who was shot and killed by the Los Angeles Police Department has been identified as 34-year-old Richard Solitro. (Photo by VALERIE MACON / AFP)

Muškarac koji je kasno u subotu ubio desetero ljudi tijekom proslave kineske Lunarne nove godine u plesnoj dvorani u Monterrey Parku, gradiću u blizini Los Angelesa, počinio je samoubojstvo.

Šerif okruga Los Angeles Robert Luna objavio je kako je ubojica identifciran kao 72-godišnjak Huu Can Tran, no kako njegov motiv za ovaj pokolj nije poznat.

“Želimo znati kako se nešto ovako grozno dogodilo”, kazao je Luna dodavši kako je ubojica sebi oduzeo život u nedjelju u gradu Torranceu, gradu 30-ak kilometara od mjesta zločina nakon što ga je policija identificirala.

Upao i na drugu lokaciju, zaštitari ga zaustavili

Nakon što je ubio deset osoba u Moterrey Parku, Tran je s pištoljem upao na proslavu kineske nove godine i u Alhambri, ali su ga zaštitari uspjeli neutralizirati.

Monterey Park je grad udaljen oko jedanaest kilometara od središta Los Angelesa. Oko dvije trećine njegovih stanovnika su Azijati, pokazuju podaci američkog popisa stanovništva.