Najneobičnije skijalište na svijetu: na jednoj strani planine turisti uživaju, a na drugoj se gine u ratu

S vrha skijališta moguće je vidjeti razrušeni sirijski glavni grad Damask

Israeli soldiers of the alpine unit patrol on ski at the Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016.
For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU

Snijegom ogrnute padine planine Hermona rastavljaju dva svijeta. U jednom, sirijski građanski rat razdire državu. U drugom, izraelski turisti spuštaju se niz skijaške staze ili piju kuhano vino uz zvuke techno glazbe, piše AFP.

S vrha skijaške uspinjače na 2.200 metara nadmorske visine može se vidjeti glavni sirijski grad Damask. Na Golanskoj visoravni, pod izraelskom okupacijom, turisti stavljaju losione protiv Sunca, a od razrušenog Damaska ih dijeli samo četrdesetak kilometara. Međutim, između Golanske visoravni i Damaska nema službenih prijelaza zato što su Izrael i Sirija još uvijek službeno u ratu.

Najneobičnije skijalište na svijetu; s jedne strane je skijalište, s druge se vodi građanski rat

Šestodnevni rat

Izrael je zauzeo većinu Golanske visoravni 1967. godine u Šestodnevnom ratu, a kasnije je prisvojio taj teritorij iako međunarodna zajednica ne priznaje tu aneksiju.

Izraelcima planinski lanac Hermon, između Libanona te sirijskih i izraelskih sektora Golana predstavlja strateški iznimno bitno područje što je pod stalnim nadzorom. Svake godine, kad snježne pahuljice zapadaju, Hermon postaje skijaško izletište vjerojatno jedinstveno na svijetu.

Upozorenja o minama

Oklopljeno vozilo izraelske vojske
Oklopljeno vozilo izraelske vojske AFP/AFP PHOTO

Skijaše čekaju upozorenja da ne skreću sa staza zbog opasnosti od mina, a u daljini antene obilježavaju izraelske vojne baze. Vojnici su posvuda. “Odluče li Sirijci ušuljati se ovamo, bolje im je da su vrhunski skijaši”, u šali priča Nabir Abu Saleh, šef skijaške patrole.

Izraelska vojska, s druge strane, više strahuje od zalutalih artiljerijskih granata nego od moguće infiltracije. Šef skijališta Liron Mills priča: “Već nekoliko puta morali smo evakuirati skijalište. Odlično smo organizirani. Oko nas je vojska i policija i imamo odličnu koordinaciju s njima”. U slobodno vrijeme Mills podučava skijaškim tehnikama rezerviste izraelske vojske. Usprkos bijeloj maskirnoj odjeći, vojnike je lako prepoznati na skijalištu po činjenici da su dobro naoružani.

Skiers sit on a chairlift as an Israeli army base is seen in the background at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU
Skiers sit on a chairlift as an Israeli army base is seen in the background at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU
Arab boys throw snowballs to their friends at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU
Arab boys throw snowballs to their friends at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU

Najopasniji projektili na skijalištu

Izrael, daleko više poznat po pustinjama na jugu, nije poznat kao zemlja uspješna u zimskim sportovima. Međutim, jedino skijalište u zemlji ima 14 staza i može primiti do 8.000 posjetitelja svakog dana.

“U Izraelu nema puno snijega. Dolazak ovamo nam je atrakcija i samo se želimo zabaviti”, kaže Amir Cohen koji je djecu doveo na sanjkanje.

Na padinama Hermona moguće je vidjeti pokrivene muslimanke, ultraortodoksne židove i vojnike UN-a na odmoru. Najopasniji projektili na skijalištu su snježne grude.

Snowboarders prepare themselves at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU
Snowboarders prepare themselves at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU
Israeli soldiers patrol a slope at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU
Israeli soldiers patrol a slope at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU
Jewish people take a break at the terrace of a cafe at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU
Jewish people take a break at the terrace of a cafe at the Israeli Mount Hermon ski resort, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on January 21, 2016. For Israelis, the Hermon range, straddling Lebanon and the Syrian and Israeli-held sectors of the Golan, is a highly strategic area under close surveillance. / AFP / THOMAS COEX / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY DAPHNE ROUSSEAU