Neredi u Čileu ne posustaju, dvije policajke zapaljene su Molotovljevim koktelima. Slike su mučne

Obje žene su teško ozlijeđene i prevezene u bolnicu

A riot police officers is reached by a petrol bomb during clashes with demonstrators protesting against the economic policies of the government of President Sebastian Pinera, in Santiago, on November 4, 2019. - Unrest began in Chile last October 18 with protests against a rise in transport tickets and other austerity measures and descended into vandalism, looting, and clashes between demonstrators and police. Protesters are angry about low salaries and pensions, poor public healthcare and education, and a yawning gap between rich and poor. (Photo by CLAUDIO REYES / AFP)

Prosvjedi koji već dva i pol tjedna tresu Čile nimalo se ne stišavaju. Mučne scene s ulica Santiaga, glavnog grada te južnoameričke države, jučer su zabilježene na fotografijama. Najmanje dvije policajke koje su sudjelovale u obuzdavanju prosvjeda teško su ozlijeđene.

Riot police are reached by a petrol bomb during clashes with demonstrators protesting against the economic policies of the government of President Sebastian Pinera, in Santiago, on November 4, 2019. - Unrest began in Chile last October 18 with protests against a rise in transport tickets and other austerity measures and descended into vandalism, looting, and clashes between demonstrators and police. Protesters are angry about low salaries and pensions, poor public healthcare and education, and a yawning gap between rich and poor. (Photo by CLAUDIO REYES / AFP)

Na fotografijama se vidi kako je jedna od njih zapaljena Molotovljevim koktelom koji su bacili prosvjednici. Plamen koji je zahvatio ženu njezini kolege pokušali su ugasiti najprije rukama, a onda i protupožarnim aparatom. Reuters piše da je napadu zapaljivom tekućinom prethodila akcija u kojoj su policajci protiv prosvjednika upotrijebili vodene topove i suzavac.

A riot police officers is reached by a petrol bomb during clashes with demonstrators protesting against the economic policies of the government of President Sebastian Pinera, in Santiago, on November 4, 2019. - Unrest began in Chile last October 18 with protests against a rise in transport tickets and other austerity measures and descended into vandalism, looting, and clashes between demonstrators and police. Protesters are angry about low salaries and pensions, poor public healthcare and education, and a yawning gap between rich and poor. (Photo by CLAUDIO REYES / AFP)

Policija koristila gumene metke

Ozlijeđene policajke su 20-godišnja Abigail Catalina Aburto Cardenas i njena pet godina starija kolegica María José Hernández Torres, pripadnice gradske jedinice specijalne policije. Obje su u teškom stanju i nakon napada su prevezene u bolnicu. Tamo ih je posjetio i ministar unutarnjih poslova Gonzalo Blumel, koji je napad opisao kao „čisto nasilje…. koje nema nikakve veze s legitimnim zahtjevima građana”.

Grab taken from AFP video shows a riot police officer been reached by a petrol bomb during clashes with demonstrators protesting against the economic policies of the government of President Sebastian Pinera, in Santiago, on November 4, 2019. - Unrest began in Chile last October 18 with protests against a rise in transport tickets and other austerity measures and descended into vandalism, looting, and clashes between demonstrators and police. Protesters are angry about low salaries and pensions, poor public healthcare and education, and a yawning gap between rich and poor. (Photo by Pablo COZZAGLIO / AFP)

Riot police are reached by a petrol bomb during clashes with demonstrators protesting against the economic policies of the government of President Sebastian Pinera, in Santiago, on November 4, 2019. - Unrest began in Chile last October 18 with protests against a rise in transport tickets and other austerity measures and descended into vandalism, looting, and clashes between demonstrators and police. Protesters are angry about low salaries and pensions, poor public healthcare and education, and a yawning gap between rich and poor. (Photo by Claudio REYES / AFP)

Očevici su ispričali da su napadi Molotovljevim koktelima razjarili policajce, koji su nakon toga počeli koristiti gumene metke i velike količine suzavca. Izvor iz policije opovrgli su optužbe da je protiv prosvjednika upotrijebljena pretjerana sila, rekavši da su policajci na terenu provodili standardnu proceduru koja uključuje korištenje gumenih metaka pri „neposrednoj opasnosti”.