Potpuni užas. U nesreći čamca s migrantima utopilo se 6-godišnje dijete

Nesreća se dogodila kod grčkog otoka Samosa

Boat of immigrants rescued and led to Lampedusa port
Boat of African immigrants rescued and taken to Lampedusa, Italy - 21 Jul 2014
A group of 83 migrants were brought ashore on a patrol boat this afternoon after having been rescued this morning. Two young children formed part of the group.
Earlier today, the AFM towed in a boat on which 19 migrants lost their lives last Friday. The migrants are believed to have been suffocated by a gas leak and crushed on the lower deck of the vessel during a rescue operation in which 400 migrants were saved.
Their vessel was spotted as it began taking on water, some 68 miles off Lampedusa. The survivors were taken to Italy.  The incident happened within Malta's search and rescue area, but Lampedusa was the closest safe port of call.,Image: 229590601, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
FOTO: Ilustrativna fotografija/profimedia

Šest godina staro dijete utopilo se u nesreći plovila s migrantima kod grčkog otoka Samosa, objavila je grčka obalna straža u ponedjeljak.

Dva broda obalne straže spasila su 17 osoba iz unesrećenog čamca, a sedmero drugih migranata sami su se uspjeli domoći kopna. Nesreća se dogodila u nedjelju kada su migranti isplovili iz Turske za Grčku.

Veliki pad broja pokušaja ulaska u EU

Prema podacima UN-ova agencije za izbjeglice 9.247 osoba stiglo je na grčke otoke u istočnom Egejskom moru od početka 2020. do 1. studenoga. U istom razdoblju prošle godine na to je područje pristiglo više od 52.000 migranata.

Taj pad u pokušajima ulaska u Europsku uniju može se pripisati boljoj graničnoj kontroli na grčkoj strani te pandemiji koronavirusa.