Umro je najveći Muhammad Ali, a ovo su 34 fascinantne fotografije iz karijere tog titana 20. stoljeća

Redakcija Telegrama pripremila je mali fotografskih pregled njegove karijere

Jan. 1, 2011 - 7481.MUHAMMAD ALI TRAINING IN FLORIDA. RADIAL PRESS/ /   1970., Image: 288876193, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
FOTO: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

Muhammed Ali, trostruki svjetski boksački prvak, najkontroverznija i najkarizmatičnija sportska persona 20. stoljeća, preminuo je sinoć u 75. godini. Ali se od 1984. bori Parkinsonove bolesti, zbog čega se posljednjih godina slabo pojavljivao u javnosti.

Od neočekivane pobjede 1964. godine protiv Sonnyja Listona, kad mu nitko nije davao previše šanse, do podjednako neočekivanog povratka naslova prvaka deset godina kasnije, u legendarnom meču protiv mlađeg i snažnijeg Georgea Foremana, Ali je bio, sasvim sigurno, najuzbudljiviji boksač u povijesti.

Progonjen i slavljen zbog svojih vjerskih, političkih i društvenih stavova 1960-ih i 70-ih, kada mu je, između ostalog, na tri i pol godine oduzeta dozvola za boksanje zbog izbjegavanja odlaska u rat u Vijetnamu, Ali je, vrlo doslovno, definirao jednu eru. Redakcija Telegrama pripremila je mali fotografskih pregled njegove fascinantne karijere.

October 7, 1961, Louisville, Kentucky, USA: Muhammad Ali, future world heavyweight champion and legendary boxer, was still fighting under his birth name Cassius Clay when he knocked out Alex Miteff in the sixth round. In the arena's basement before the fight, Ali had a mixture of female admirers and relatives. His brother Rudy Clay, later known as Rahman Ali, was also on hand as Ali's official gofer.///Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) with fans and family in the locker room., Image: 113427121, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EXCLUSIVE, Special Rates Apply, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Polaris
Listopad 1961. godine, Ali se još uvijek zove Cassius Clay, a borio se protiv Alexa Miteffa. Profimedia / Polaris Profimedia, Polaris
Muhammad Ali, works out on light bag in Miami, Florida. 1965., Image: 101845325, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For usage credit please use; Courtesy Everett Collection, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Everett
Muhammad Ali u Miamiju na Floridi, 1965. godine, trening Profimedia, Everett
FILE - In this May 25, 1965 file photo, heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali is held back by referee Joe Walcott after Ali dropped challenger Sonny Liston less than two minutes into the first round of their heavyweight title fight, in Lewiston, Maine. Just months before the 50th anniversary of the fight, which remains one of the most controversial sporting events of the 20th century, both pairs of gloves are going on the auction block for the first time. Heritage Auctions is offering them as a single lot on Feb. 21 in New York. The auctioneer expects they will sell for more than $1 million. Bidding will start at $500,000. (AP Photo/File)
25. svibnja 1965. godine, Alija drži sudac, a na podu je izazivač Sonny Liston, manje od dvije minute nakon početka prve runde. Ali Listonu viče da se digne. Jedan od najkontroverznijih boksačkih mečeva u povijesti, obzirom da publika nije vidjela Alijev udarac koji je srušio Listona. Ali je Listona porazio godinu ranije, u borbi za naslov AP
Dec. 9, 2011 - MUHAMMAD ALI, Image: 109629553, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment
Dec. 9, 2011 - MUHAMMAD ALI, Image: 109629553, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment

Dec. 12, 1968 - Florida, U.S. - December 12, 1968: Muhammad Ali at a Miami jail after being stopped on a traffic violation., Image: 256440678, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Florida Sun Sentinel Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Ali izlazi iz zatvora, prosinac 1968. godine, Florida. U zatvoru je bio zbog prometnog prekršaja Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Jan. 1, 2011 - 7481.MUHAMMAD ALI TRAINING IN FLORIDA. RADIAL PRESS/ / 1970., Image: 288876193, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Trening na Floridi, 1970. godine Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Feb. 25, 1971 - Florida, U.S. - February 25, 1971: Muhammad Ali gets a rub down by Luis Sarria after working out in Miami Beach's 5th Street gym., Image: 256440932, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Florida Sun Sentinel Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
25. veljače 1971. godine, desetak dana uoči velikog meča protiv Joea Fraziera, Ali na masaži nakon iznimno napornog treninga, u teretani na 5. ulici u Miamiju Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Muhammad Ali seen here after being knock to the canvass during his world title fight against Smokin Joe Frazier at Madison Square Garden 7th March 1971, Image: 106812092, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, MirrorPix
Muhammad Ali srušen na pod, 7. ožujka 1971. godine, u borbi za naslov svjetskog prvaka protiv Joea Fraziera. Meč je održan u njujorškom Madison Square Gardenu, prvi od tri dvoboja dva velika boksača. Ovaj meč Ali je izgubio Profimedia, MirrorPix
May 18, 1971 - Modesto, California, United States: Sportsmen of Stanislaus Club invited Muhammad Ali to speak in Modesto. In the past, the SOS Club had hosted other boxing greats such as Max Baer, Jack Dempsey, Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano and Joe Frazier. One month later in June of 1971, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Ali on the issue of his draft evasion conviction, clearing the way for him to box and eventually regain his title. SOS was a male-only organization at that time and charged $5.00 per dinner ticket., Image: 175186988, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Polaris
U lipnju 1971. godine, američki Vrhovni sud uvažio je Alijev prigovor na novačenje za rat u Vijetnamu, što je značilo da će se moći vratiti boksu i pokušati vratiti titulu Profimedia, Polaris
Muhammad Ali, eigentl. Cassius Clay US-amerik. Boxer (1964, 1974 u. 1978 Profi-Schwergewichts-Weltmeister), geb. 1942. Boxkampf Muhammad Ali (rechts) gegen Jürgen Blin im Hallenstadion in Zürich (Schweiz). Foto, Dez. 1971., Image: 147701957, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For editorial use only., Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKG
Muhammad Ali, u prosincu 1971. godine, u borbi protiv Jurgena Blina u Zürichu. Ali je nokautirao Blina 2 minute i 12 sekundi nakon početka 7. runde Profimedia, AKG
MUHAMMAD ALI (Geboren am 17. Januar 1942 als Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. in Louisville, Kentucky), amerikanischer Schwergewichtsboxer. Ali gilt als berühmtester und größter Boxer aller Zeiten. Als Ikone des Boxsports und herausragender Athlet des 20. Jahrhunderts. Photo: Muhammad Ali (1975) Muhammad Ali (born 17 January 1942 as Cassius Clay), famous American boxer and former three-time World Heavyweight Champion and winner of an Olympic Light-heavyweight gold medal. Ali is the biggest sporting legend of the 20th century., Image: 136777891, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, United Archives
MUHAMMAD ALI (Geboren am 17. Januar 1942 als Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. in Louisville, Kentucky), amerikanischer Schwergewichtsboxer. Ali gilt als berühmtester und größter Boxer aller Zeiten. Als Ikone des Boxsports und herausragender Athlet des 20. Jahrhunderts. Photo: Muhammad Ali (1975) Muhammad Ali (born 17 January 1942 as Cassius Clay), famous American boxer and former three-time World Heavyweight Champion and winner of an Olympic Light-heavyweight gold medal. Ali is the biggest sporting legend of the 20th century., Image: 136777891, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, United Archives
Profimedia, United Archives
Nov. 30, 1972 - MUHAMMAD ALI wins match with Mac Foster. 1972., Image: 109630873, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment
Ali protiv Maca Foster, studeni 1972., godine u Tokiju. Ali je uvjerljivo dobio, ali Foster je dobio pohvale zbog entuzijastičnog pristupa Profimedia, Zuma Press - Entertaiment
Muhammad Ali talks with fellow Black Muslims in Chicago March 1974., Image: 127530994, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For usage credit please use;, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Everett
Ali u razgovorima s drugim članovima organizacije Black Muslims, u Chicagu 1974. Profimedia, Everett
29. listopada 1974. godine, veliki meč Alija protiv Georgea Foremana, u tom trenu neporaženog svjetskog teškaškog prvaka. Meč je održan u Zairu (današnji Kongo), u teškoj tropskoj klimi. Foreman je u tom trenutku snažniji i mlađi borac, međutim, Ali ga uspijeva poraziti, suprotno svim očekivanjima Photograph: AP
Dec. 9, 1974 - MUHAMMAD ALI in Zaire 1974.Supplied by Pressens Bild- - Photos, inc., Image: 109630520, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Ali snimljen u Zairu, nekoliko tjedana nakon legendarne borbe protiv Foremana Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Ali u borbi protiv Rona Lylea, svibanj 1975. godine. Lyle je dominirao tijekom meča, ali ga je Ali na kraju izlupao po glavi, zbog čega su suci zaustavili borbu
Treći i posljednji meč protiv Joea Fraziera, takozvani Triler u Manili, u kojem je Ali obranio naslov svjetskog prvaka. Smatra se jednim od najboljih boksačkih mečeva u povijesti thrilla-in-manila
April 20, 1976 - Arlington, Virginia, United States: Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali speaks to the press during a training session for his fight against Jimmy Young. The fight went the full 15 rounds with a controversial one-sided unanimous decision going to Ali. Ali's ever loyal trainer Angelo Dundee went on record as saying this was the champion's "worst fight.", Image: 238439933, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Polaris
U travnju 1976. godine, Ali se priprema za borbu protiv Jimmyja Younga. Bila je to jedna od njegovih najgorih borbi, iako je, nakon 15 rundi, proglašen pbojednikom Profimedia, Polaris
American legendary boxer Muhammad Ali (Cassius Marcellus Clay) visiting Moscow., Image: 86583435, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Vyat-K01_0320, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Sputnik
U posjetu Moskvi 1976. Profimedia, Sputnik
September 22, 1977 - Deer Park, Pennsylvania, United States: Muhammad Ali shadow boxes at his Deer Lake, PA, training camp. Ali went on to defeat Earnie Shavers in a fifteen round unanimous decision on September 29 and retained the Ring, WBC & WBA World Heavyweight titles., Image: 288876178, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Polaris
22. rujna 1977. godine, Ali trenira u Pennsylvaniji, uoči borbe protiv Earnieja Shaversa. U jednoslasnoj odluci Ali je proglašen pobjednikom, i tako obranio naslov svjetskog prvaka Profimedia, Polaris
September 22, 1977 - Deer Park, Pennsylvania, United States: After a workout at his training camp, Muhammad Ali makes the number seven to signify the number of rounds to defeat his next opponent. Ali went on to defeat Earnie Shavers in a fifteen round unanimous decision on September 29 and retained the Ring, WBC & WBA World Heavyweight titles., Image: 288876179, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Polaris
Ali trenira 1977. godine, a broj sedam koji pokazuje prstima predstavlja broj rundi za koji Ali misli će mu trebati za pobjedu protiv Shaversa (borba je zapravo trajala punih 15 rundi). Profimedia, Polaris
3113 LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA May 3, 1980 Muhammad Ali and his third wife Veronica Porsche in their Hancock Park home before his last fight with Larry Holmes which took place in Las Vegas, 2nd October 1980., Image: 288875236, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Pacific coast news
3. svibnja 1980, Muhammad Ali and njegova treća žena Veronica Porsche u njihovoj kući u Los Angelesu. Ali se pripremao za svoj posljednji meč, u listopadu iste godine protiv Larryja Holmesa (Ali je ipak boksao još jednom, 1981.) Profimedia, Pacific coast news
3113 LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA May 3, 1980 Muhammad Ali with his daughter Laila Ali when she was 2 in his Hancock Park home before his last fight with Larry Holmes wich took place in Las Vegas, 2nd October 1980., Image: 288875235, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Pacific coast news
Muhammad Ali iste godine s kćeri Lailom, koja na slici ima dvije godine Profimedia, Pacific coast news
3113 LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA May 3, 1980 Muhammad Ali drives his convertible Rolls Royce through the streets of Los Angeles before his last fight with Larry Holmes which took place in Las Vegas, 2nd October 1980., Image: 288875227, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Pacific coast news
Ali se 1980. vozi ulicama Los Angelesa u svom Rolls Royceu, nekoliko mjeseci uoči svoje borbe protiv Holmesa. Profimedia, Pacific coast news
Naslovnica Sports Illustrateda nakon Alijeve borbe protiv Holmesa
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Ali se 1981. pokušao vratiti iz mirovine, ali je sudačkom odlukom izgubio od Trevora Berbicka. Bio je spor i grozan, po riječima novinara
Former heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali displays his signature boxing pose after honoring outstanding surgeons and physicians at St. Joseph's Hospital Barrow Neurological Institute, Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2012, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
Ali snimljen u bolnici u Phoenixu, 2012. godine AP