Ako vam treba inspiracije, možda ova kujica koju ni to što ima samo dvije noge ne sprječava da napravi pravi nered

Malena Cora Rose iz Kanade ozbiljan je hit na društvenim mrežama

FOTO: marleysmutts/Instagram/Screenshot

Kujica Cora Rose prošle je godine dovedena u azil u Maderi, gradu u američkoj saveznoj državi Kaliforniji. Imala je ozljede na prednjim nogama, a zdjelica joj je bila slomljena. Sirota je trpjela užasnu bol. A zatim su joj zbog infekcije morali amputirati lijevu prednju nogu. Nitko nije znao kako su ozljede nastale, pretpostavlja se da ju je udario auto.

Malena Cora Rose je nakon nekog vremena, točnije, na Valentinovo ovo godine prebačena u grad Tehachapi, odnosno u azil Marley’s Mutts koji su osnovali bračni par Zach i Heather Skow. No, ubrzo je morala i na amputaciju desne prednje nožice.

Malena se oporavila nakon duple amputacije

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Depression and anxiety have been my dancing partners for many months, years. I can’t shake them and I’ve been unable to learn their dance. I slept about an hour or two last night bothered by panicked, racing thoughts, which are my norm. I had planned on doing a long post about these feelings—the frustration etc—but I changed my mind after spending some time with my daughter and the dogs. These animals serve us by allowing us to serve them. They’re constant role models, ever present and and ever focused on happiness. They also don’t complain, really ever!!! Last night was brutal: mind games, sweating all night long, coupled with this vibration coming off of my body, a result of losing my nerves (adrenal fatigue). But. As I sat with Cora and watched her play with the others, I realized this is my reality, I have to make the best of it NOW. This too shall pass, these thoughts—and they are just thoughts, they don’t define me. I watch Cora and I remember how miserable she was after her first surgery, wondering if we made the right decision. We did, of course, and she has gone on to overcome her double amputation and shattered hip. She teaches me every day to start over and not let the bad thoughts win; to try and let the past stay there So we may love fully in the present. Simply put, this dog helps take my depression and set it aside of true time being. So long as I’m paying attention to her lessons and remaining mindful, I am on the right track. Thank you @the_adventures_of_cora_rose for being an incredible teacher, friend, daughter etc. ❤️💪🏻🐶

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Kad se oporavila, stražnje noge su joj ojačale i brzo je već stajala na njima i mahala repom. Dobila je i prilagođena invalidska kolica kako bi mogla ići u pseći park i tamo trčkarati. A par Skow odlučio je Cori Rose pružiti dom u kojem su ju dočekali mačak Henry i još tri njihova psa. A u travnju su Zach i Heather dobili i kćerkicu Shiloh. Šale se da Cora Rose misli da je to njezina beba.

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As we get ready to welcome another dog who requires double amputation, I can't help but think of how far Cora has come. In the beginning she has two badly broken legs and a bone infection. The double amputation was hard on her because her pelvis was also broken, making it very hard for her to wiggle and manipulate as she needs. She began her life with us very unsure and damages, what she has developed into is the opposite. She has become a staple in our home; she's a leader, a lover-dog and the primary protector of our daughter, next to my wife and I, obviously. We love this dog for who she has become and what she has taught us along the way. I'm excited to meet this new dog and help him reach the point Cora has. #twoleggeddog #poodle #rescuedog #rescuedogsofinstagram #marleysmutts #corarose #handicappeddog

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Supružnici Skow primijetili su da Cora Rose pozitivno utječe na ljude, čak i na one koje ne poznaje. Usprkos njenoj bolnoj prošlosti, ona pomaže ljudima shvatiti da i oni mogu proći kroz teška vremena. “Nasmije svakoga s kim dođe u kontakt. Ona je valjda najsretniji pas”, opisuje Zach Skow svoju Coru Rose.

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Cora thinks this baby is hers

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Ljudi su oduševljeni hrabrom kujicom

Iako je hrabra i jaka, Cora Rosa je zapravo kao i svi ostali psi. Pokazala je to kad je jedan od pasa, pit bull Avery, počeo trgati pseći krevetić, a ona mu se pridružila i završila posao.

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Cora has had a busy morning….

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Ljudi su na društvenim mrežama brzo zavoljeli malenu Coru Rose pa Skowovi često objavljuju njene fotografije i videa na Instagramu, a kujica tamo ima i svoj profil.