Asteroid veličine kombija za nekoliko će sati proletjeti vrlo blizu Zemlje, bliže nego li lete neki sateliti

Asteroid je prije nekoliko dana otkrio astronom amater s Krima

Image shows: This view from NASA’s Scout system shows the deflection of asteroid 2023 BU’s trajectory – in red – caused by Earth’s gravity. The orbit of geosynchronous satellites is shown in green, and the orbit of the Moon is depicted by the gray oval.
Asteroid 2023 BU is about the size of a box truck and is predicted to make one of the closest approaches by a near-Earth object ever recorded.
The asteroid was discovered by amateur astronomer Gennadiy Borisov, discoverer of the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov, from his MARGO observatory in Nauchnyi, Crimea, on Saturday, Jan. 21. Additional observations were reported to the Minor Planet Center (MPC) – the internationally recognized clearinghouse for the position measurements of small celestial bodies – and the data was then automatically posted to the Near-Earth Object Confirmation Page. After sufficient observations were collected, the MPC announced the discovery. Within three days, a number of observatories around the world had made dozens of observations, helping astronomers better refine 2023 BU’s orbit.
NASA’s Scout impact hazard assessment system, which is maintained by the Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, analyzed the data from the MPC’s confirmation page and quickly predicted the near miss. CNEOS calculates every known near-Earth asteroid orbit to provide assessments of potential impact hazards in support of NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO).
While any asteroid in Earth’s proximity will experience a change in trajectory due to our planet’s gravity, 2023 BU will come so close that its path around the Sun is expected to be significantly altered. Before encountering Earth, the asteroid’s orbit around the Sun was roughly circular, approximating Earth’s orbit, taking 359 days to complete its orbit about the Sun. After its encounter, the asteroid’s orbit will be more elongated, moving it out to about halfway between Earth’s and Mars’ orbits at its farthest point from the Sun. The asteroid will then complete one orbit every 425 days.

-PICTURED: Truck-Sized Asteroid
-LOCATION: United States United States
-DATE: 26 Jan 2023
-CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cover Images/,Image: 752024714, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Pictured: Truck-Sized Asteroid
FOTO: Profimedia

Asteroid veličine kombija u narednim satima bi trebao proletjeti pokraj Zemlje i to će biti jedan od najbližih susreta s nebeskim tijelom ikada zabilježenih, objavila je američka svemirska agencija NASA.

Nebesko tijelo naziva 2023 BU u petak u 01:27 po hrvatskom vremenu doći će do svoje najbliže točke Zemlji. Tada će projuriti pored južnog dijela Južne Amerike, na visini od samo 3600 kilometara. NASA-ini znanstvenici uvjeravaju da ne postoji opasnost od udara.

Usporedbe radi, geostacionarni sateliti nalaze se oko 35 tisuća kilometara iznad Zemljine površine, a Međunarodna svemirska postaja na 400 kilometara. Čak i da 2023 BU krene prema Zemlji, njegov veći dio bi izgorio ulaskom u atmosferu s obzirom na njegov mali promjer od 3,5 do 8,5 metara, priopćila je NASA.

Otkrio ga astronom amater s Krima

Asteroid je prije nekoliko dana otkrio astronom amater Genadij Borisov u zvjezdarnici Margo na Krimu. Borisov se već proslavio 2019. kada je pomoću teleskopa iz kućne radinosti otkrio komet koji je prošao kroz Sunčev sustav na putu iz dubokog svemira. Komet se od tada zove 2I/Borisov.

Znanstvenici su u blizini Zemlje identificirali oko 27 tisuća asteroida, uključujući njih oko 10 tisuća s promjerom većim od 140 metara. Nije poznato kreće li se ijedan od njih izravno prema Zemlji u doglednoj budućnosti.

NASA je u listopadu prošle godine udarom sonde po prvi put uspjela promijeniti smjer kretanja asteroida, što je bio prvi pokušaj čovječanstva da postavi obranu planeta.