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Organizacija za izučavanje pasa vodiča provela je mali test. Jako je dobro prošao

FOTO: Printscreen/Facebook video

Neprofitna organizacija Guiding Eyes for the Blind u New Yorku, koja trenira pse vodiče, prošlog je tjedna provela vatrogasnu vježbu. Testirali su, između ostalog, koliko bi brzo i koliko uspješno njihovi psi pobjegli iz zgrade u slučaju požara.

I, ako ćemo biti iskreni, psi djeluju puno organiziranije i pribranije od većine nas kad bi se našli u takvoj situaciji.

Svi su izjurili

Dakle, kako su napisali u opisu videa, cilj je pustiti pse iz kućica prije nego što stigne vatrogasno vozilo kojem u pravilu, kažu, treba oko četiri minute da stignu do njih. U videu vidimo kako volonteri ulaze u prostoriju, a nekoliko sekundi kasnije van juri gomila pasa, dok ih jedna od volonterki požuruje.

Yesterday, the Training School staff at our Yorktown Heights, NY campus practiced a kennel evacuation drill. In the event of a fire, our staff needs to be able to clear the kennel of any dogs before firetrucks arrive (their response time as a volunteer firefighting department is approximately 4 minutes). During this drill, we don't follow our standard kennel procedures – dogs are released into the community run as fast as possible and without their identification collars. The staff gamely took on the challenge, and we completed the drill of clearing all 174 dogs and all staff members from the building in 3 minutes and 8 seconds. Great work!Video Description: This video is taken from outside the East Kennel community run door. Guiding Eyes kennel staff members rush into the kennel from the community run. One staff member holds open the door and the dogs (mainly Labrador retrievers with a few German shepherds) begin to race into the community run from the kennel door. A few dogs try to go back to the kennel door (to greet their friends who are racing to join them), but the staff member encourages them to stay in the community run. After all the dogs have been emptied, the video turns to show the "organized chaos" of the 174 dogs in the 3 back community runs. The dogs race around while playing in the run, with many crowding around the trainers who hold a large number of collars. The trainers begin to identify dogs and separate the dogs into their normal groups for community run.

Gepostet von Guiding Eyes for the Blind am Donnerstag, 8. November 2018

Da stvar bude još veći izazov za djelatnike centra, pse van puštaju bez identifikacijskih ogrlica. No, vježba je prošla super. “Završili smo vježbu izlaska za 174 psa i osoblje iz zgrade za 3 minute i 8 sekundi”, napisali su zadovoljno. Nakon vježbe su se psi još malo igrali u dvorištu, a onda se lijepo vratili u svoje bokseve.