Ove dvije koke trebale su završiti na klanju, ali neki divan klinac ih je spasio. Pogledajte ih kako su sretne

Sestre su završile u skloništu/farmi gdje sada imaju genijalan život

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Kada su se krajem listopada izlegle, život ove dvije kokoši bio je do kraja isplaniran. Dvije sestre, uz dvadesetak drugih kokoši, trebao je do Božića odgojiti jedan razred djece u osmom razredu u jednoj školi u Kanadi. U vrijeme Božića, kokoši su se trebale otpremiti u mesnicu, a nakon toga su trebale zavrišti na blagdanskim stolovima.

Međutim, jedan dvanaestogodišnji dječak imena Porter, odlučio je spasiti kokoši koje je pomogao odgojiti. Porter i njegova mama nazvali su više od deset skloništa za životinje, moleći ih da prime sestre Lucy i Friedu. Na kraju je jedno sklonište konačno pristalo. “Pitali su samo par dana prije nego što su kokoši trebale ići u mesnicu”, rekla je za The Dodo Megan Mostacci, suosnivačica skloništa Black Goat Farm and Sanctuary u blizini Smithvillea u Ontariju. Kokoši su tamo napokon stigle krajem prosinca.

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Many of you saw this little video as a story we shared. . These are our Cornish cross girls – saved from being slaughtered the day before the school they were raised at sent them off (there were over 20 ). . The birds were alive 9 short weeks before they were slaughtered. By this age – commercial chickens are huge – they are the equivalent of a 300 lb toddler. This is because the industry wants big birds in the least amount of time. . Our ladies have lost a few oz since coming . It may not seem like much but it’s great! They are on a diet and we incorporate lots of exercise… such as their evening waddle up and down the drive. . The dodo wrote an article that we will share in a story for anyone interested ❤️

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New residents. . This week we received an interesting message – it was a plea for help from a student at a school that had purchased 24 chicks as day olds. They raised them , socialized with them – and today they went to slaughter. . Porter – the student – is a vegan and was quite upset with the the fate of the birds they had raised since babies (at two months old – they are still babies). He asked that two be spared and be allowed to live at a sanctuary and after a vote it was allowed. He messaged once approved to see if they could live here and we said of course. . He brought them yesterday – he named them Lucky and Freedom. These birds are so sweet, friendly , and curious. It is devastating to see how large they are at such a young age – they are the equivalent of a 300 lb toddler . This is due to selective breeding – we as humans have created this Frankenstein breed of chicken. They grow so fast that their skeletons cannot keep up with their massive weight. Many are unable to walk, their legs give out , and they suffer heart attacks . This is all with the goal of having a “market ready bird” in the least amount of time possible . . They are now on a restricted diet bulked up with lots of high fibre veggies. We know the reality is that their bodies are not meant to live long – but we are going to do all we can to beat the odds. . We are so sorry for their siblings who are no longer alive… we will do all we can for these two to ensure they live a happy life – however long it may be.

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Koke su morale na dijetu

Sada Lucy i Frieda uživaju u životima kakve nitko nije očekivao da će imati. Inače, čini se da su dvije kokoši iznimno zahvalne Mostacci što je ih je primila u svoje sklonište. Naime, svaki puta kada ih gospođa dozove, njih dvije se oduševljeno zatrče prema njoj. Njihovo trčanje nije samo preslatko, već je i dobro za ovu vrstu kokoši koja mora puno trčati tijekom dana. Za sada, kokoši su se odlično prilagodile skloništu, a najdraže mjesto za spavanje im je vani, ispod bora.

Dvije kokoši pripadaju Cornish cross vrsti, a uzgajane su kako bi bile idealne za klanje. Njihova mala tijela su križana tako da dobivaju mnogo više mase nego što bi inače dobivale. “Postanu zrele za klanje već nakon sedam do devet tjedana. To vam je kao da vaša beba za isti period naraste na 136 kilograma”, objasnila je Mostacci. Upravo zbog toga je dvije kokoši stavila na dijetu, kako ne bi imale srčanih problema. “Kada bi ih se pustilo, one bi se jednostavno prežderavale dok im noge ne puknu”, zaključila je.