Ovo na fotografijama je sustav barijera koji bi trebao zaštiti Veneciju od poplava. Prvi put su ga aktivirali

MOSE, sustav vrijedan milijarde eura, trebao bi zaštititi grad od plima visokih do tri metra

A view shows a rescue boat sailing off Venice as the last mobile gate of the MOSE Experimental Electromechanical Module that protects the city of Venice from floods, is about to be lifted at the Malamocco inlet off Venice's Lido on October 3, 2020 during a high tide "Alta Acqua" phenomenon, following a peak of water following bad weather and potential intense sirocco winds along the entire Adriatic basin. - Together with other measures, such as coastal reinforcement, the raising of quaysides, and the paving and improvement of the lagoon, MOSE is designed to protect Venice and the lagoon from tides of up to 3 metres. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)

Venecija je u subotu prvi puta podigla dugo odgađane protupoplavne barijere nakon što su meteorolozi upozorili bi zbog oluja, u kombinaciji s visokom plimom, grad mogao biti potopljen.

Mreža od 78 jarko žutih barijera koje čuvaju ulaz u ranjivu venecijansku lagunu počela se podizati s morskog dna više od tri sata prije nego plima dosegne svoj maksimum.

Plima nošena jakim vjetrovima i obilnim kišama trebala bi doseći 130 centimetara, daleko ispod razornih 187 centimetara prošlog studenoga kada se Venecija našla pod vodom. Bila je to druga najveća poplava u povijesti tog grada.

A view shows the last mobile gate (2ndR) of the MOSE Experimental Electromechanical Module that protects the city of Venice from floods, being lifted at the Malamocco inlet off Venice's Lido on October 3, 2020 during a high tide "Alta Acqua" phenomenon, following a peak of water following bad weather and potential intense sirocco winds along the entire Adriatic basin. - Together with other measures, such as coastal reinforcement, the raising of quaysides, and the paving and improvement of the lagoon, MOSE is designed to protect Venice and the lagoon from tides of up to 3 metres. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)

Projekt vrijedan milijarde eura

Gradski oci se nadaju da će kontroverzni, više milijardi eura vrijedan projekt obrane protiv poplave, poznat kao MOSE (Modulo Sperimentale Elektromeccanico – eksperimentalni elektromehanički modul), ublažiti posljedice nadolazeće oluje.

Osmišljen 1984., projekt MOSE je trebao proraditi 2011., ali je bio popraćen tipičnim talijanskim boljkama, korupcijom, premašivanjem troškova i kašnjenjima. Konačno je isproban u srpnju i inženjeri su ocijenili da je spreman za upotrebu kada je loše vrijeme.

Venecijanske poplave – “acqua alta” – uzrokuje niz čimbenika koji se dodatno pogoršavaju zbog klimatskih promjena, poput rasta razine mora, neuobičajeno visokih plima i povlačenje tla, zbog čega grad tone. MOSE bi trebao zaštititi Veneciju od plima visokih do tri metra.

A view shows the MOSE Experimental Electromechanical Module that protects the city of Venice from floods, at the Malamocco inlet off Venice's Lido on October 3, 2020 during a high tide "Alta Acqua" phenomenon, following a peak of water following bad weather and potential intense sirocco winds along the entire Adriatic basin. - Together with other measures, such as coastal reinforcement, the raising of quaysides, and the paving and improvement of the lagoon, MOSE is designed to protect Venice and the lagoon from tides of up to 3 metres. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)
A view shows the mobile gates of the MOSE Experimental Electromechanical Module (Rear in yellow) that protects the city of Venice from floods, at the Malamocco inlet off Venice's Lido on October 3, 2020 during a high tide "Alta Acqua" phenomenon, following a peak of water following bad weather and potential intense sirocco winds along the entire Adriatic basin. - Together with other measures, such as coastal reinforcement, the raising of quaysides, and the paving and improvement of the lagoon, MOSE is designed to protect Venice and the lagoon from tides of up to 3 metres. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)