Rijetko se dogodi da priča o napuštenom psu dobije ovakav kraj: Rocka je udomio stari prijatelj iz djetinjstva

Pas je ostavljen s porukom; dečko je objasnio zašto ga je morao napustiti

Napušteni pas
FOTO: Screenshot/Youtube

Villalobos Rescue Center je organizacija koja se brine za napuštene pse, a nalazi se u New Orleansu u američkoj saveznoj državi Louisiani. Iako primaju i brinu za sve vrste pasa, najčešće rade s pit bull terijerima. Početkom mjeseca u blizini njihovog sjedišta našli su napuštenog psa, zavezanog za jednu ogradu blizu njihova skloništa. Bio je potpuno izbezumljen, uplašen i nije dopuštao da ga itko od ljudi uopće dotakne. Pored je ostavljena vrećica s njegovim stvarima i list papira, na kojemu je bila tužna poruka.

“Upoznajte Rocka. Ja ga ne mogu zadržati zbog problema s obitelji. Pas je bio izoliran u mojoj sobi čitav svoj život, jer moji roditelji nisu htjeli imati veze s njim”, pisalo je u poruci. “Molim vas, osigurajte mu interakciju s ljudima. Kad ga upoznate, vidjet ćete da je to najbolji pas kojeg ste upoznali. Voli životinje, ali ljudi ga znaju činiti nervoznim. Molim vas posvetite mu vrijeme i dajte mu bolji dom”, zamolio je netko u poruci i napisao kako će donirati koliko god može, i obavijestio da je pas primio sva potrebna cjepiva.


ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDSThis is what we came into this morning. Another dog tied to our fence but this one came with a note. I guess that was supposed to make us feel better?. Your note says he's NEVER had any human interaction. Your note says he was kept isolated in a room his entire life. Your note says he will EVENTUALLY warm up to you and can be "nervous"…all "key words" that say "he will probably bite you". Thank you for dumping your problem on an already overloaded system here at VRC. But more than likely you called and got our message that said we were SO overwhelmed and that we could not take in anymore dogs at this time. Or maybe you were one of those people that came from out of state and we explained that we had to concentrate on dogs that were local and were no longer able to take dogs from out of state and like so many others, maybe you were one of those that cussed us out because we couldn't take YOUR dog. We care about dogs. That part is obvious. But we also care about over working our employees and having enough dogs to handle both physically and financially and emotionally. We were not the "last resort"…you were. All you had to do was talk to us and we might have been able to help in other ways. Instead your dog just went from an isolated bedroom to the chaos of a shelter filled with dogs. He is having a meltdown right now and growling and wanting to bite everyone that he sees. We are not miracle workers. We cannot save every dog. We do not have the money or manpower to always "work the magic". But today pushed us over the edge emotionally and physically. These are the days when we hate our job and break down and cry. My mission is to rescue but my hope is that one day, I won't have to….but it looks like that won't be anytime soon.

Gepostet von Villalobos Rescue Center am Donnerstag, 11. April 2019

Ponovni susret starih prijatelja

Volonteri iz VRC-a su snimku ovog psa, za kojeg je u poruci pisalo i da je star jednu godinu i četiri mjeseca, objavili na svojoj Facebook stranici, nadajući se da će netko imati dovoljno strpljenja i ljubavi za njega. Za njih je velik problem bilo to što pas nije dopuštao da mu se ljudi približe, pa je bilo očito da u okruženju skloništa ne može dugo ostati. Onda se dogodilo nešto vrlo neobično – nakon dva dana javio im se brat dečka koji je ostavio psa.

Rekao je kako se odselio iz obiteljskog doma te da već neko vrijeme nije u kontaktu s obitelji, a kad je na društvenim mrežama vidio da je njihov pas napušten, bio je shrvan. Požurio je do središta VRC-a, uvjeravajući ih da će preuzeti psa. Kako je Rock bio izrazito asocijalan, uplašen i zbunjen od trenutka kad su ga preuzeli, osoblje je strahovalo kako će pas reagirati, hoće li postati agresivan i je li uopće sigurno pustiti ga čovjeku koji se javio. Pokazalo se da razloga za brigu nije bilo; kad je Rock vidio mladića, zaigrano je potrčao je k njemu – bilo je jasno da ga se sjeća i da je s njim siguran. Susret je uhvaćen na videu, a zbilja izgleda kao ponovni susret starih prijatelja. On će se nastaviti brinuti za Rocka i osigurat će mu bolje uvjete i socijalizaciju, što je za ovog psa zbilja divan epilog priče.


UPDATE ON THE "NOTE DOG"A few days ago, so many of you were heartbroken at the sight of a dog tied to our fence with a note from his owner. According to the words written, the dog had been kept isolated from all human contact and was petrified of the world and they could no longer keep him.Honestly, we didn't hold out too much hope for this dog especially now being in a shelter environment. We did not have the means to put this dog anywhere else so that he could decompress and acclumate to the outside world around him. He would not let any of us near him. Then the miracle of social media came into play.The owner's brother saw our post. He was overwhelmed with grief. He had known this "Rocky" since a puppy and since he no longer lived with his family, he had assumed all was well with the dog. Upset at what had happened, he drove to our facility in New Orleans and pleaded with us to let him take the Rocky with him. Within seconds, this dog went from cowering and growling at all of us to recognizing the former owner's brother. Needless to say…..actions speak louder than words.Get our your Kleenex. This is a happy ending worth crying over.

Gepostet von Villalobos Rescue Center am Sonntag, 14. April 2019
