Splitski pomorac ozlijeđen na tankeru

Navodno mu je para opekla tijelo, ima opekline drugog stupnja

Salvamento Maritimo sea search and rescue agency personnel help a man board their vessel after migrants were rescued from a boat stranded in the Strait of Gibraltar during a rescue operation with the Spanish Guardia Civil that saw 157 migrants rescued on September 8, 2018. - While the overall number of migrants reaching Europe by sea is down from a peak in 2015, Spain has seen a steady increase in arrivals this year and has overtaken Italy as the preferred destination for people desperate to reach the continent. Over 33,000 migrants have arrived in Spain by sea and land so far this year, and 329 have died in the attempt, according to the International Organization for Migration. (Photo by Marcos Moreno / AFP)
FOTO: AFP/Ilustrativna fotografija

Pomorac iz Splita teško je ozlijeđen u nesreći koja se jučer dogodila na tankeru Alfa Finlandia, javlja Dalmatinski portal. Navodno mu je para opekla oko 20 posto tijela, pri čemu je dobio opekline drugog stupnja.

Pomorac je nakon nesreće helikopterom prebačen u obližnju luku, odakle je prevezen u bolnicu u Barceloni. Specijalizirani portal FleetMon javlja da je akciju spašavanja izvela španjolska agencija za spašavanje Salvamento Maritimo.

U dobrom stanju

Kako doznaje Dalmatinski portal, pomorac je trenutno u dobrom stanju. Nesreća se dogodila jučer, kada se tanker nalazio stotinjak nautičkih milja od Tarragone, grada u Kataloniji koji su napustili 2. lipnja.