Vlasnik dovukao 18-godišnjeg psa u azil, ostavio ga da umre. Godinu dana kasnije, on uživa u novom domu

Veterinari su rekli da će vjerojatno izdržati samo nekoliko dana

FOTO: Screenshot / TikTok

Prije malo više od godinu dana u azil za pse u gradu Charlotte u američkoj saveznoj državi Sjevernoj Karolini ušetao je vlasnik s psom kojeg je za sobom vukao na povodcu. Vukao ga je jer pas, koji je u tom trenutku imao 18 godina, nije mogao pratiti njegov tempo hoda. Doveo ga je da ga tamo ostavi jer je star, a uz to je pas bio u stravičnom stanju, prepun izraslina i tumora.

Jedna od volonterki u azilu slomila se kada je vidjela psa kako se sklupčao uz noge vlasnika koji ga nakon 18 godina planira zauvijek napustiti i dati skloništu da ga eutanazira. ”Gledala sam vlasnika kako ga vuče prema vratima skloništa. Njegove stare noge nisu mogle izdržati brzi hod vlasnika. Trula koža i tumori na njemu toliko su smrdjeli da su svi izašli iz skloništa”, napisala je nedavno u objavi na TikToku voloterka Chrissy. Odlučila je da taj pas neće umrijeti sam u skloništu.

U dirljivoj objavi godinu dana od napuštanja Seymoura, kako ga je nazvala, opisala je što je sve prošla s psom koji je bio osuđen umrijeti sam i napušten u skloništu i za kojega su svi mislili da su mu dani odbrojani. ”Nije bilo šanse da pustim tvoje stare kosti da leže na tom podu i da umreš sam”, piše u objavi koju je posvetila danas 19-godišnjem psu.

Ostavio ga da sam umre

Iako je tog dana u siječnju 2023. molila njegova vlasnika da s njom ode veterinaru kako bi mu zajedno pokušali pomoći ili da barem nakon gotovo dva desetljeća zajedničkog života bude uz svog ljubimca kada ga se zauvijek uspava, on joj se, kaže, samo nasmijao u lice i rekao: ”Nema šanse”. Odlučila mu je zato sama pružiti kraj života kakav zaslužuje.

Nosila je Seymoura u rukama do svog automobila i odvela veterinaru. Ispričala je da je od smrada i izlučevina koje su curile iz njegovih tumora i izrasline povraćala, a pas je zaudarao po urinu. Dok je s njime čekala u veterinarskoj ambulanti, shvatila je, kaže, da taj pas uopće ne zna što je ljudski dodir jer je uplašeno reagirao kada bi ga mazila.


I can’t believe today marks 1 year with you. January 11th last year I watched your owner dragging you toward the shelter door. Your old legs couldn’t keep up and you were so confused clinging to who you thought was your person . The rotting skin and tumors smelled so bad you actually were clearing out the lobby area.There was no way I would let your old bones go lay on that floor to die alone. I was only at the shelter to help my friend finish up our other intakes we were taking from that shelter quickly. I was there just at the right moment and our hearts were absolutely meant to be. You could hardly walk and your face was infected from the growths being untreated. I will never forget your face looking up at me while I was kicking off my favorite heels in the parking lot because your big self couldn’t walk any further – I had to carry you. You stared at me like what are you even doing? you look crazy- no way you can carry me .. You had no clue the amount of times I would carry you over the next year. The vets told me maybe even only a few days but removing those masses was only way to make you comfy.. so we did it. I brought you home and promised to show you all the things I wish you had before. My mission to save your heart started … little did I know you would save me instead. Pappy seymour this year has been the biggest gift to me. You have become the face that greets me every time I get home. You wait for me like I am your whole world. We became best friends. I so badly longed to have holidays and celebrate with you. I prayed about it a lot. I can’t believe we have now had them all. My prayers were answered. Today marks 1 full year. We have done it all. You celebrated every one of our family birthdays stealing bites of cake always , you dressed up with the kids for Halloween, we snuggled by the Christmas tree with cookies. Every single moment this year you have made my life so much better. I am yours and you are mine. Best friends forever. Here’s to a year seymour ❤️ I pray for so many more memories. I ask today if everyone could donate $1 in honor of his 1 year to help our rescue. 💰Venmo:‘forgottennowfamily 💰PayPal: Forgottennowfamily@gmail.com #hospice #fosteringsaveslives #myguy #youandme #dontbullymybreed❤ #pittiesoftiktok #forgottennowfamilyrescue

♬ You and Me – Eldar Kedem

”Veterinari su mi rekli da ćeš izdržati možda još samo nekoliko dana, ali uklanjanje tih masa i tumora bio je jedini način da ti na kraju bude ugodno. Pa smo to i učinili. Dovela sam te kući i obećala da ću ti pokazati sve stvari koje bi volio da si imao i prije”, napisala je. No, godinu dana kasnije Seymour je i dalje tu i uživa u životu.

”Pozdravljaš me svaki dan kad dođem kući. Čekaš me kao da sam ja cijeli tvoj svijet. Postali smo najbolji prijatelji. Moje molitve su uslišane”, napisala je i otkrila da je ”otpisani” Seymour prošle godine proslavio rođendane sve njezine djece, dočekao je i Božić. ”Svakog trenutka ove godine učinio si moj život puno boljim. Ti si moj”, zaključila je Chrissy u dirljivoj objavi koja je istovremeno rastužila i oduševila tisuće njezinih pratitelja.


January 12th will be burned in my mind forever . It’s the day you came into my life. I begged your owner while dragging you hardly able to stand into the city shelter to please let me take you and him to a vet instead. Please don’t make him walk in that shelter. I knew you were so old and sick. The owner laughed in my face and said no. I watched you cling to his leg. 18 years you gave him and he was at the shelter to euthanize you. I looked at you standing there and signaled to the shelter team I would be taking you. I got you to my car and threw up everywhere from the blood and fluids leaking all over me. The smell of your infected masses. The smell of urine. I wasn’t sure how to even help you but I knew you deserved better than ending at the shelter. I took you straight to the vet for pain control and ready to make the decision to let you go in a loving place if needed. The more I sat with you at the vet I realized you had no clue what love was. I would touch you and your eyes looked confused. I decided we were going to find love before you left. Our amazing partner @goodvetscharlotte saw the same value in you. They agreed to doing your mass removal surgery. I simply wanted them off so you could feel what it’s like to drink water or eat without pain. I thought if I could give you a week of real life and love it would mean the world to me. You started your life being “adopted” 18 years years ago at the shelter and then they tried to take you back when you were of no use. I sat with you the first week and thought just how much I would give to have had you the 18 years, you are amazing Seymour. The days turned to weeks. I am in amazement that today we celebrate 6 months with you. I love you to infinity and beyond my sweet old man. You wait for me at the door. You “yell” at me for cookies 24/7. I can’t imagine life without you. Every family event your front and center in your pjs. Every puppy that comes in you play police like a true Pappy. Seymour I knew you needed me that night but I had no clue how much my heart needed you. we have become best friends and I am yours and you are mine! Happy 6 months Seymour🫶🏻 #rescue #hospice #pittiesoftiktok #myguy #dontleaveme

♬ A thousand years – Zeus